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The Market

The Market

In-flight connectivity market is huge and barely tapped - there is ample opportunity for growth

Many readers have personal experience with in-flight Wi-Fi.  What are your thoughts on the service?

Table below shows passenger count and revenues for major US airlines for 2018

There is enormous pent-up demand for Internet access on board commercial passenger planes:

  • Video streaming (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO Now)

  • VPN access of work documents in the cloud and on company networks for business passengers

  • Millenials - future regular airline business customers - will make airline choices based on in-flight Wi-Fi

Current networks lack the capacity to support the pent-up demand

Reported take-up of current networks is about 10%, probably because:

Video streaming apps are blocked (insufficient capacity)

Price (varies between $7/hr to $20-40/flight)

Service provider with designs to satisfy pent up demand has an enormous opportunity for growth

Airlines with plans to provide significant upgrades to in-flight connectivity will gain market share

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